Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Worship Wednesday's - Sweetly Broken

Sweetly Broken - Jeremy Riddle

I heard this song recently at Vineyard Church of Columbus. I was brought to tears once again, by the powerful presence of an Almighty God and amazing lyrics! I am however partial to Vineyard's rendition, but this is still a great song to worship to.

Are you broken today? Are you struggling with the current economic state our nation is in? Sometimes life comes at us hard, and breaks us.

It is at Brokenness that God can do the most work in us. I heard the quote the other day, in fact I even tweeted it. I said, "U can not fix what God can only mend!" It is at this hard state of brokenness that God wants and desires to show His Wonder to each and everyone of us. "At the cross You beckon me, draw me gently to my knees, and I am lost for words, so lost in love, I am sweetly broken wholly surrender! In awe of the cross I must confess
How wondrous Your redeeming love, and How great is Your faithfulness!"

Enjoy! The lyrics are on the video. If you are broken today, call upon the Great Comforter, Jesus Christ!

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