Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

I know that those who are unbelievers still have many things to be thankful for, but hear me out. For those who have been saved from eternal damnation are eternally thankful. In fact, I think that we as a Body of Believers should lead the way in showing our thanks for all that has been done for us.

Things I am thankful for:
- A sinner condemned to die a sinners death, saved by the Grace and Mercy of a Risen Savior!
- A wonderful wife, which God said she's the one, then I ran from that, but in His awesome plan reunited us as One Flesh!
- Two amazing boys, that daily challenge and bless me to no end! Its incredible how much love one body can withstand!
- An awesome church family (, and the opportunity to serve my Lord, so others can come to the knowledge of the saving Grace of Christ!
- To live in a country that allows all faiths to live together.
- The privilege to serve this great country in the current and past incentives. ( and (
- A chance to further my education at a great school (
- The chance to express opinions on a forum such as this...

and many more I am sure!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Remember to give praise and THANKSGIVING in all things, such a small thing that pleases God so much.

Leave your comment on what you are thankful for!

1 comment:

JayhawkG33k said...


Brother I'm glad you put me on to your blog and I'll be keeping tabs.

In Christ.