Read this article, tell me your thoughts. The article from newsweek is entitled, "A Christian by Any Other Name"
What are you? and, Why are you what you say you are?
P.S. My thoughts are...
The reason I choose the term "Follow of Christ," is because many claim to be Christians by just belief, where as I attempt to follow Christ in all aspects of my life. It says in the Bible in James 2:19, that even the demons believe that there is a God. So my point is, belief alone although good, is not enough to be a Jesus Freak. Do you completely rely on Him, or do you only rely on him when it is convienent? Even the demons know that there is a God. The demons aren't serving God, are you?
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Beej Weathers posted a comment on my facebook that i wanted to share along with my response.
at 4:46pm March 19
I usually just say Christian. It avoids limiting myself to a denomination.
lil warrior at 4:51pm March 19
Does it bug you that the "Christian" term is kind of like a catch all...unfortunately? Not that i don't believe all denominations are One under god, cuz i do...However, Sum people just say they are Christians without knowing what it means to be a "Christian" a Christ Follower!
Beej Weathers said at 4:48pm March 19
I understand what you mean about people claiming to be a Christian when they're not. Usually when someone says, "I'm a Christian," I ask them to explain what that means, dig deeper.
Another facebook comment this time from Pastor John Walters
John Walters at 5:23pm March 19
I use follower of Christ especially in foreign countries because Christian has so many different meanings to people in other countries. It is more of a cultural designation in some countries, a religious thing in others and even a political designation in some. Follower of Jesus Christ removes the political and cultural baggage and helps you focus in on your identity.
lil warrior at 5:26pm March 19
wow, how awesome is that. Well said, from an awesome friend and disciple of Christ. John will we get to hook up while i am here in San Antonio?
I'm not particular in this, but I find that 'Christian' is a 'better' word than 'followers' which insinuates 'disciple'.
Christian was not originally used by followers of Jesus (the Christ).
It was originally used as a derogatory term from people who wanted them dead. Christian literally means 'little Christ' and they hoped that the little Christs would be hung from a tree like the original Christ.
Later adopted by those who followed Jesus' teachings because they desired to be like Christ.
Just another thought to throw on the fire. :)
Grace and peace...
Kelly J. Olivier at 7:15pm March 19
In America it seems Christian is the "Well, I'm not catholic or muslim...I'm Christian." When did we become the None of the Above? The default?
Shana Marie Roberson at 7:52pm March 19
Personally, I am happy that the Baptist/Methodist/Lutheran crowds are turning into Christian crowds. There is only one bible and only one Jesus...I've never understood how we got to that point anyway. What unfortunate is that as a whole the Christian population is declining as people tend more and more to SOMEHOW associate believing in Jesus as ... Read Moresilly and naive...which I disagree with with every fiber of my body. I agree that people loosely call themselves Christians and may not walk the walk...but at least it is a step in the right direction! I have a lot more to say on the wide topic but I think perhaps my little Facebook comment will burst at the seems! Luke Pollock at 12:16am March 20
Great comments everyone, keep them coming!
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