As I was doing my homework assignments for my Earth Science class at Ohio Christian University I came across a question that asked, “Which controls of soil formation is most important.” I was intrigued by the different factors that create “good soil.” Then I think God gripped my heart and sent me to Matthew 13 where it talks about the different soils. The “Good soil” in the parable from Matthew 13 says, “The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” Reading through the different factors or controls, I was like well each of these are important, in fact, I was sold on the fact that climate was the most important when the text said, “Climate is the most influential control of soil formation.”
However, as I continued to read, I was informed that several controls or factors are involved in creating “Good soil,” such as; parent material, time, climate, plants and animals, and topography. Neither of them are most important, but they all work together to form good soil. All these factors or controls make soil what it is. The goal of a Christian, with respect to the parable in Matthew 13, is to be good soil. So what controls or factors in our life help create good soil in our lives, soil that will “produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted?”
I immediately think about when I feel the closest to God and His Spirit, and it is when I am consistently in His Word, in communication with Him, and listening and obeying His ordered steps for my life. If I am a fully devoted follower of Christ in a passionate relationship with my Creator, then He will create a soil in me that will “produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” That’s when a good fruit inspection is in order…are you producing any fruit for God?