Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ramblings from a friend....

I have a wonderful God-fearing friend that wrote from his heart the following, what God was revealing to him recently. I wanted to share them with my blogging buds, and hear what some of you think, especially the ones stressed out (at times) with being "culturally relevant." Please comment so we can have some discussion. At the start of the new year Intersection Church (a house church) will be launched!


I feel like that guy! You know that guy, the one that sticks out like a sore thumb, the one that is just a little bit different and doesn’t go along with the rest of the pack. Who am I? I am a 38 year old man being led by God to start a new church. Because of that calling, I have recently been reading books and magazine articles about ministries around the country and how innovative pastors are leading more and more un-churched people through the doors of their churches. These stories are usually well written, inspirational and insightful. However, I am confused. I am confused because my soul continues to be conflicted with each passing article.

First, I must say praise God that people who have never been to church before are now coming through the doors in many communities to hear the good news of Jesus. I know that this is a good thing (or should I say God thing). But I think I am going to spiritually vomit if I hear one more pastor or ministry leader write that our churches today need to be culturally relevant, that it is important to keep up with the changing times. Now, I am not trying to be difficult here or sound holier than thou but isn’t God already culturally relevant? Hasn’t he always been culturally relevant? And isn’t He the reason the church exists to begin with? I am told that I must continue to make my church attractive. You know, get them in the doors with contemporary music, video screens, pod-casting, etc. (culturally relevant). I am not against any of those things and I don’t think God is either But isn’t Christ attractive without any of those things? I am constantly told that I must compete with the world, use the things of the world if I am going to get people out of the world. Since when did Christ need to compete with anything or anybody? And what the world needs is not more of the world. They need something that is different, something that stands out, something that stands alone. They need Christ!

It seems as though our present day church culture takes the position of “get’em in the doors and we will get’em saved.” Now, I know that true Bible believing, vine abiding pastors and ministry leaders would never say this or truly believe this. But isn’t this in essence what is happening? I just wonder at what point did we give up on people; truly transformed Christ followers (you know people) to BE the church and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they are? Most everything I read these days is about being the church so we can invite unbelieving friends TO the church. As I hear it said, there they will be comfortable and accepted, you know the come as you are principle? I do believe that Jesus wants us to come to Him as we are but through what I call the Philip principle?

In John 1:43-46, Philip is called by Jesus to follow Him. Philip then goes and finds Nathanael to tell him that he has found the Messiah. Did Philip invite Nathanael to his church? No. He invites him to Jesus, to sit in the presence of Jesus himself! Philip found Jesus and he wanted Nathanael to find him as well. To my untrained mind (what little mind there is) it seems as though that same principle had applied for centuries throughout the Bible. People found God and then lived out a Godly faith life telling other people about the wonders of God and what He had done. God was enough! Supernaturally God brought them to faith where they surrendered to Him. But yet today, we say that the church must be culturally relevant to attract unbelievers. What about simply teaching the truth and holiness of God (the never changing truth and holiness of God) and allowing Him to bring them to Himself without church being their first stop?

I can guess what you might be thinking right now, “Oh that Greg is old fashioned, stuck in his ways and not a very innovative thinker.” I might even be called boring! But what I find so funny is that I only came to Christ eight years ago at the age of 30. I am not coming at this from the perspective of someone who grew up a Christian all my life and just stuck in my “all my life” Christian ways. I was attracted to Jesus because I saw Jesus being lived out in people around me every day. These people were different than the world and never hesitated to confront me with truth and the good news of Jesus Christ. They never invited me to church or brought me to church. They brought the church to me. They brought the living, breathing, active church (Jesus living inside each of them) right to where I was. Not the other way around. It wasn’t “come as you are.” It was “I will come where you are.” That is what changed me. And, I am convinced that because we don’t see people in our congregations actively doing this today, we have given up on them and have instead replaced them with a place, a building, a program, that can let them off the hook and do the work for them.

Now, the Holy Spirit has given me enough wisdom to understand that God can work in all ways, through all means necessary to reach the lost. And I understand that my salvation experience may not be the same for everyone. However, I am genuinely holy discontented that these well meaning, Christ following, called out pastors and ministry leaders have forgotten their first love and forgotten that it is all about Jesus. No gadgets, no gizmos, just Jesus (Jesus + NOTHING)! The place we meet and call church is a wonderful place to be. It is the place where we can come to be encouraged, taught, prodded, built up and then sent out to pursue Christ and those that don’t know Christ. But, I don’t believe that it was ever intended to be the place to invite our friends so they can get saved. This is Christ’s job working in and through us each day; the mobile church. These churches shouldn’t have to worry about being culturally relevant. If they are teaching Jesus and Him crucified and resurrected, they ARE culturally relevant. This message will always be relevant!

I know that many of you at this point have dismissed my ramblings as crazy talk from a guy that may be out of touch with modern society (that is if you have even finished reading to this point). But hey, I warned you at the beginning, I am that guy!

Greg Wukasch

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just a Thought that God Provided...

I was doing my normal day of service as an intern at New Hope Community Church in Loudonville, Ohio, when God spoke to me....

I was asked to sort out the Christmas Eve candlelight candles from previous years to determine whether they are usable again this year.

As I was doing that and focusing on the size, condition, and usability of each candle, I found towards the completion of this task my standards had changed. I was allowing candles to pass my approval that earlier I would have thrown away.

Upon, realizing that my standards had changed gradually, God spoke to me and said, "My standards have never changed."

1 Samuel 16:7 it says, "But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

In this passage Israel wanted a king to lead them (even though they already had the King of Kings). The Israelites wanted someone that fit the part. Tall, handsome, and strong. How does this fit my story....well I was doing the same thing Israel was doing looking only to what is presentable. God has never looked at our appearance or height (I thank Him in my case!) He looks at our hearts.

Our hearts need to be pure and holy. I love the verse in Psalm 139:23-24, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Do you desire for God to investigate your heart? Pray the last verse aloud with me, "Lord, point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Amen!

I pray that God will show you everyday situations, that He wants to use as a teachable lesson for you to gain a new perspective, a better understanding, and a deeper relationship with the Most High God!

And remember....

"Don't judge a book by its cover," or in my case, "Don't judge a candle by its wax!"

P.S. Oh by the way the wax of the "not usable" candles went in a box and was given to a Candle Maker, to be melted down, and shaped for something new! But that is another lesson altogether!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Iraq War Vet, Ohio State University Sr, hero, and my brother-in-law still

Sunday morning I got a text from my sister saying that her husband was in a plane crash in Denver, and for all of us to pray.

Today, my dad sends me this link from Fox News, and of the 30 or so survivors, Fox News is interviewing my brother-in-law! Crazy huh? If you can not see God's provision in that, then excuse me you may be blind.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Dog

My dog Willow, surprised all of us today by bringing home a trophy. You see, she is a tricky little dog...We let her out back in our fenced in backyard, but she always finds a new way to get out, just so she can sit out in the front yard and pester the cats. Lately though, she leaves our front yard and ventures out into the unknown forest-one!

Today, after sneaking out of the backyard, she followed her nose to a nice deer dinner, and brought a trophy to the front door, with the biggest smile a German Shepherd can have.

And like a proud father, I am posting it on the web for all to see the accomplishments of my highly edumacated shepherd! She rocks....sure beats that cat she killed a few months back!
Smile for the camera Willow Girl!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last weekend, my Pastor, my mentor, my Leader, my friend, and my golf buddy, announced to his staff and then to the congregation at New Hope (
that he and his family after many tears, prayers, and wrestling with God, would be leaving what he originally thought was his mission (to reach, teach, this community and beyond to become passionate followers of Christ, in the small town he grew up in). Check out his comments here answering the call of obedience. But God has bigger plans.
Jeremiah 29:11 states: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Do you believe this? Can you stand firm on this and move your family from the security that God and you have built where you are? Would you be willing to step out in faith and pick up your tent like Abraham and go until the Lord says you have arrived to your new destination?

Praise God, that he is never done with us! He has plans for all of us beyond anything that we can comprehend. New Hope will be okay because what was established in in L-Ville, Wooster, Ashland, and our China campus, was a Kingdom focus, not a Charles focus. And Charles and his family will be okay, because they are leaning on the everlasting arms of our Father in heaven. So join with me and Praise God for a pastor who is being obedient to the call of God on his life. May his life be an example to our own. God Bless you Charles and your awesome family, and if God calls me to follow on with you, know that I am determined to be obedient as well! Love ya man!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yesterday we give we are inconsiderate jerks

I am blown away by this video (A Wal-Mart worker after being trampled to death, with paramedics trying to resuscitate him), actually it makes me sick. Why on earth do people act like this for treasures on earth. The bible says in Matthew 6:19,

"Don't hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it's safe from moth and rust and burglars. It's obvious, isn't it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being (The Message)

This poor gentleman's family went from being thankful one day to traumatized the next, all because of the insanity for the next best sale and the attitude of "I don't care who I hurt, injure, rob from, as long as I get what I want."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

I know that those who are unbelievers still have many things to be thankful for, but hear me out. For those who have been saved from eternal damnation are eternally thankful. In fact, I think that we as a Body of Believers should lead the way in showing our thanks for all that has been done for us.

Things I am thankful for:
- A sinner condemned to die a sinners death, saved by the Grace and Mercy of a Risen Savior!
- A wonderful wife, which God said she's the one, then I ran from that, but in His awesome plan reunited us as One Flesh!
- Two amazing boys, that daily challenge and bless me to no end! Its incredible how much love one body can withstand!
- An awesome church family (, and the opportunity to serve my Lord, so others can come to the knowledge of the saving Grace of Christ!
- To live in a country that allows all faiths to live together.
- The privilege to serve this great country in the current and past incentives. ( and (
- A chance to further my education at a great school (
- The chance to express opinions on a forum such as this...

and many more I am sure!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Remember to give praise and THANKSGIVING in all things, such a small thing that pleases God so much.

Leave your comment on what you are thankful for!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 90 Grandpa

Yesterday, a lot of family and friends celebrated my grandfathers 90th birthday. A pretty cool milestone if you ask me. He has lived a great life. He has the love of his first and only bride, he has many grandchildren and great grandchildren, He has served this great country, and has provided for many.
Grandpa, thank you for many memories, I pray we can share many more together.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blogger virgin

Ok everybody, I am not 40 yet, but I have heard enough about this blogger thing, so I have decided to give it a try. For all you experienced bloggers, you will need to bare with me. I will eventually get the hang of it.

Hopefully this can be a place for people to come and read and comment with thoughts that will benefit the group. I know we will not agree always, but we can be respectful to everyone's opinion.